Thomas Ruff Website
In cooperation and based on the concept and design of Sichtvermerk/Germany, we developed a website for the German artist Thomas Ruff.
The programming of the website included a flexible and modular design for its content, as well as interlinking different pages, making it easy for the client to make prompt changes without any knowledge of the backend. With the basic idea of building a web archive of the artist's work to date, we created an easy-to-use backend structure that allows the archive to be gradually filled with content, which can easily catalog and map the content of the last decades in an optimized way.
Our team utilized the CMS ProcessWire, which enabled us to implement the design's specific requirements without spending a significant amount of time. Additionally, the CMS made it easy for inexperienced people to understand and familiarize themselves with the maintenance and administration tools, eliminating the need for costly training. This intuitive feature allowed even the most inexperienced users to manage and maintain the website with ease.
Thomas Ruff, Germany
Development, Code